Wintersemester 2024/25:
Course: Algebraic Topology I: Tuesday 14-16 M 103 and Thursday 14-16 H 32, Thursday 14-16 M103
Seminar: Parametrized semiadditivity
Seminar: The Bloch-Kato Conjecture/Rost-Voevodsky theorem
AG-Seminar, Thu 12-14 SFB lecture hall
Sommersemester 2024:
Formalization of higher category theory II (one can always login to the course website as external guest): Tuesday 16-18 M 101, Thursday 14-16 M102 and via zoom
the lecture series is shifted by a week: the first lecture will start on April 23rd and we will finish on July 25th.
Exercise class Thursday 8-10 M 102
AG-Seminar, Thu 12-14 SFB lecture hall
Wintersemester 2023/24:
Formalization of higher category theory (one can always login to the course website as external guest): Tuesday 16-18 M 103, Thursday 14-16 M102 and via zoom
Seminar on Six-functors formalisms, with Niko Naumann and Claudia Scheimbauer, Wed 10-12 M 103 and via zoom. Program
AG-Seminar, Thu 12-14 SFB lecture hall
Sommersemester 2023:
Vorlesung Einführung in die Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, Mo und Do 14-16 H 31
Seminar Topics in (∞,2)-categories, organized by Lyne Moser, Wed 10-12 M 009
AG-Seminar, Thu 12-14 SFB lecture hall
Wintersemester 2022/23:
Seminar über Funktionentheorie, Di 16-18 M 101 und online
Algebraic K-theory and localizing invariants course: Mo 16-18 M 102, Fr 16-18 M 103 and online
Oberseminar on de Jong's alteration theorem, Fr 10-12 M 311 and online
AG-Seminar, Thu 12-14 SFB lecture hall
and online
Sommersemester 2022:
Seminar Topoi, Logic and Forcing, Tuesday 16-18 M 311 - Program
Derived Categories course: Mo 16-18 and Fr 16-18 M 103
Oberseminar Higher Topoi and Exodromy
AG-Seminar, Thu 12-14 SFB lecture hall
Wintersemester 2021/22:
Derived functors and cohomology through higher categories course: Mo 16-18 and Fr 16-18 M 103
Oberseminar Higher Topoi and Exodromy, Thu 14-16 M 103
AG-Seminar, Thu 12-14 SFB lecture hall
Wintersemester 2020/21:
Higher Category Theory course: Mo 14-16 and Fr 14-16
Seminar The Geometry of Schemes
Joint Seminar TUM/UR Homotopy Type Theory, with
Claudia Scheimbauer.
Sommersemester 2020:
AG-Seminar: Do 12-14.
Joint Seminar TUM/UR Condensed/Pyknotic Mathematics, with
Claudia Scheimbauer.
Vorlesung Kommutative Algebra: Di 10-12 und Fr 10-12.
Zentralübung (Denis Nardin): Mo 16-18.
Wintersemester 2019/20:
Oberseminar Motivic Sheaves: Mo 10-12, M 102.
Vorlesung Algebra: Di 10-12 und Fr 10-12, H31.
Zentralübung (Adeel Khan): Mi: 8-10, H31.
Sommersemester 2019:
Oberseminar Motivic Sheaves: Do 14-16, M 311.
Proseminar Darstellungstheorie endlicher Gruppen (mit A. Khan): Mo 12-14 in M 101.
Seminar K-theory of finite fields (mit A. Khan): Mi 10-12, M 101.
Vorlesung Linear Algebra 2: Mo 10-12 und Do 10-12, H32.
Zentralübung (Adeel Khan): Mo: 14-16, H32.
Wintersemester 2018/19:
Oberseminar Motivic Sheaves: Do 14-16, M 103.
Seminar Homotopical Methods (mit Christian Dahlhausen): Mi 10-12, M 103.
Vorlesung Linear Algebra 1: Mo 10-12 und Do 10-12, H32.
Zentralübung (Adeel Khan): Mo: 14-16, H32.
Sommersemester 2018:
Oberseminar Motivic Sheaves: Do 14-16, M 311.
Derived Categories and sheaf cohomology (mit Christian Dahlhausen): Mi 10-12, M 104.
Vorlesung Algebraische Topologie 2: Di 12-14 und Fr 10-12, M 101.
Wintersemester 2017/18:
Vorlesung Algebraische Topologie: Mo 10-12, Mi 14-16, M 102.
Zentralübung: Mo 12-14, M 101.
Übungsgruppe (H. Sigloch): Do 14-16, H 31.
Seminar De Rham-Kohomologie (mit Dr. Helene Sigloch): Mi 8-10, M 103.
Oberseminar Motivic Sheaves: Fr 10-12, M 311. |
Sommersemester 2017:
Vorlesung Higher category theory and homotopical
algebra II: Mo 16-18, Fr 15-17, M 103.
Übungsgruppe (A. Khan).
Lecture Notes.
Oberseminar Motivic Sheaves: Mo 10-12, M 101.
Wintersemester 2016/17:
Vorlesung Higher category theory and homotopical
algebra; von 17.10.16 bis 28.10.16: Mo 16-18, Do
16-18; nach dem 28.10.16: Mo 16-18, Fr 15-17, BIO 1.1.34.
Übungsgruppe (A. Khan) Di 8-10, BIO 1.1.34.